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Some options

  • Simple terminal based editors on CSIL:
  • Simple graphical editors on CSIL:
    • atom
    • code Visual Studio Code (code command on CSIL, also known as “vscode”)

Our advice

  • Learn at least “survival vim”:
    • You’ll need that skill for working with cloud systems, backend systems, in situations where you only have a command line, and not a graphical environment.
    • You don’t necessarily need to be able to do sophisticated editing, but you should be able to do these eight basic vim functions: quit without saving, enter code, save, copy/paste, search/replace, show line numbers, goto a line number, save as.
  • Learn either atom or vscode
    • These provide helpful editing capabilities that are sensitive to your particular programming language including auto-completion, early detection of syntax errors, integration with version control, and many more features that you’ll come to appreciate as you progress as a programmer.