
This document and others linked within it should be your PRIMARY source for understanding the expectations of this course. Be sure to read it carefully. You must contact the instructor for clarification if you receive information from any another source that is in contradiction to what is provided below.

Course Title:  Problem Solving with Computers I


Fundamental building blocks for solving problems using computers. Topics include basic computer organization and programming constructs: memory CPU, binary arithmetic, variables, expressions, statements, conditionals, iteration, functions, parameters, recursion, primitive and composite data types, and basic operating system and debugging tools.


Mathematics 3A or 2A with a grade of C or better (may be taken concurrently), CS 8 or Engineering 3 with a grade of C or better, or significant prior programming experience.

Materials & Resources

Textbook is available for purchase at the UCSB Bookstore (department: CMPSC):

Textbook: Problem Solving with C++
Author: Walter Savitch
Edition: 9th (2015) or 10TH (2018)
ISBN:   9780133591743 (2015) / 9780134448282 (2018)

The computing platform for this course is Fedora and is hosted on the CSIL machines. Students find it convenient to use their own computer for the course. If you do not have adequate access to a personal computer, we encourage you to use the College of Engineering CSIL Labs. More information on the following pages: Instructional Labs and Where are the ECI Labs?

* Computer Science Teaching Lab (cstl)  in Phelps 3525   (cstl-00  through cstl-35)
* Computer Science Instructional Lab (csil) in Harold Frank Hall 1138  (csil-01 through csil-48)
* Virtual machine:


You are not alone in this course; the teaching staff are here to support you as you learn the material. It is expected that some aspects of the course will take time to master, and the best way to master challenging material is to ask questions. For online questions, use Piazza. We will also hold office hours and open lab hours for in-person discussions. See more information here.

Diversity and Inclusiveness

We (the instructor and the mentors) strive to create an environment in which students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives can be well-served in this course, where students’ learning needs can be addressed both in and out of class, and where the diversity that the students bring to this class is viewed as a resource, strength, and benefit. It is our intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender identity, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally, or for other students or student groups.

We (like many people) am still in the process of learning about diverse perspectives and identities. If something was said in class/section (by anyone) that made you feel uncomfortable, please, don’t hesitate to talk to me about it. Help us create a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that supports a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and experiences, and honors your identities (including gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, age, race, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, nationality, culture, or religion (or lack thereof)).

(Inspired by and adopted from Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Hacker Hours).

Disabled Students Program (DSP)

UCSB provides academic accommodations to students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are responsible for ensuring that the Disabled Students Program (DSP) is aware of their disabilities and for providing DSP with appropriate documentation. DSP is located at 2120 Student Resource Building and serves as the campus liaison regarding issues and regulations related to students with disabilities. The DSP staff works in an advisory capacity with a variety of campus departments to ensure that equal access is provided to all disabled students. If you have a disability that requires accommodation in this class, please go see the DSP very early on in the quarter. I will only honor these types of requests for accommodation via the DSP. More information about the DSP is found here:

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What this course is about

This course is the first in a three course sequence, CS16-24-32 that provides a foundation in data structures and algorithms for deeper study of Computer Science.

This is not an introductory programming course. This is an intermediate programming course.

What you need BEFORE you take this course

This course will present C++ from the beginning; no prior knowledge of C++ is assumed. However, it IS assumed that you already have successfully completed CMPSC 8, or have an equivalent background in programming. You should be comfortable with all of the following:

  • Problem solving
    • breaking down a problem into a sequence of steps
    • abstracting specific problems into general ones
      and finding general solutions
  • Memory concepts
    • variables, primitive vs. reference variables, name, type, value
    • assignment statements
    • scope of variables
  • Control structures
    • for loops, if/else, while loops
  • Arrays (or a similar data structure, e.g. Lists in Python)
    • index vs. value, finding sum, min, max, average, count of elements matching some condition, making a new list of elements containing only those that match some condition
  • Functions
    • function call vs. function definition
    • formal vs. actual parameters (arguments)
  • Testing
    • How to test your code
  • Input/output concepts
    • Writing to the terminal
    • Reading from the keyboard
    • Reading and writing to files
    • Neatly formatting output
  • Program style
    • How to write code that other people can read and understand

What you should have learned by the end of this course to be ready for CS24

Here’s the list of just a few things you’ll need to know to be ready for CS24 (the next programming course). You’ll have the opportunity to learn all of these things (though not necessarily in this order).

The swimming/guitar/painting analogy

You cannot learn to swim, play guitar, or paint from a textbook or a lecture. You can only:

The same is true of programming. Programming is not a series of facts to be memorized—you cannot "cram" for a computer science exam. You must practice, practice, practice. Here are some additional tips on what you can do instead of cramming: Why You Cram for Exams (and How to Stop) and How to Enjoy Studying.

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Course policies


The rest of this page details the policies that will be enforced in the Spring 2019 offering of this course. These policies are subject to change throughout the remainder of the course, at the judgement of the course staff (with a potential announcement on Piazza).


Grade breakdown by evaluation component

Grades will be assigned using the following weighted components:

This course moves quickly. So attendance is very important. We’ll sometimes cover two or even three chapters in a given week. We need to go at that pace, because during the last week of the quarter, you can’t really start anything new, because there isn’t time to put it into practice with programming assignments. If you don’t put it into practice, you aren’t very likely to learn it in any way that is going to stick with you.

Graded components

There are six components to this course, each of which has a special job to do:

Late Submission

Late submissions will not be accepted. The same goes for homework, unless you have relevant DSP accommodations that provide a two-day extension on homework assignments and you contact the instructor before the assignment is due. The policy is based on the idea that the primary purpose of the deadlines is to allow the graders to manage their workload: all labs must be graded in one sitting, or they just won’t be able to keep up with the workload.

In lieu of offering exceptions or extensions, your lowest two homework scores and your lowest lab score will be dropped in the calculation of your overall grade.

Reminder: If you are registered for another UCSB course that overlaps with this one, you MUST HAVE specific written permission from both instructors, or I am within my rights to give you a failing grade on any work you miss as a result, and will NOT make any accommodations for you. This includes exams.

If you miss a class, you miss the opportunity for the points on the in-class activity. Period.

Excused absence

There is no make-up, except for excused absences that are arranged with and agreed to by the instructor in advance, for official UCSB activities.

In rare cases, if there is a documented family emergency, documented extended illness, documented required court appearance, or other situation beyond the students’ control (with appropriate documentation) the instructor may extend an assignment deadline, entirely at the instructor’s discretion—but this is not a guarantee or a right.

Grade assignment policy

A/A+ 97-100 A 93-97 A- 90-93
B+ 87-90 B 83-87 B- 80-83
C+ 77-80 C 73-77 C- 70-73
D+ 67-70 D 63-67 D- 60-63
F Below 60

Curving: The grade scale above represents the minimum letter grade you will be assigned at the instructor's discretion, the grading scale may be altered in the students' favor if this will better reflect the students' mastery of the material. Thus, if there is a "curve", it will be applied at the end, not to individual assignments.

A+ grades: These may be awarded to the very best performing students in the class—but the cutoff for A+ grades will be determined at the end of the course at the discretion of the instructor (there is no pre-determined cutoff---an average of 97 or more doesn't guarantee you an A+ grade.)

Everything is cumulative—that's just how CS is.

Finally—note that just as in a math class, everything we do builds on all the work that came before. So, everything is cumulative—so, you can't afford to miss any classes unless absolutely necessary. Miss two lectures in a 10-week two-lecture per week course, and you've already skipped exactly 10% of the course—it wouldn't be surprising if your performance (i.e., final grade) in the course dipped by a similar amount.

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About Collaboration

One of the things we really want to convey in this course is that real-world software development is very seldom an ‘individual sport’—it is much more often a ‘team sport’. Companies want to hire CS and CE graduates that know how to collaborate with others on producing software.

In the CS Department at UCSB, we understand the value of this. We want to encourage working together in ways that help you develop your skills and teamwork, and help you understand that programming can be a social, collaborative, creative activity. The sooner you start with activities such as pair programming, code reviews, and other collaborative software development activities, the more skill you’ll develop, and the sooner you’ll be ready for the real world. Plus, for many people, working together with others is a lot more enjoyable and fun.

We do, however, need to avoid any situations where freeloaders are “coasting” through courses by leaning too much on others and never developing independent skills as programmers. This situation creates huge problems. Mostly it is damaging to the freeloaders themselves, who eventually crash and burn, perhaps, not just on exams but also later in their careers.

Our emphasis on collaboration means:


Make a serious attempt at the assignment yourself, and then discuss your doubts with others. In this way you, and they, will get more out of the discussion (not solution-sharing). If you are not sure about whether some kind of collaboration is permitted or not, it is your responsibility to verify with the instructor and ask questions.

The emphasis on collaboration in this course does not necessarily extend to other CS courses you may take in the future.

UCSB Policy on Academic Honesty

It is expected that students attending the University of California understand and subscribe to the ideal of academic integrity, and are willing to bear individual responsibility for their work. Any work (written or otherwise) submitted to fulfill an academic requirement must represent a student’s original work. Any act of academic dishonesty, such as cheating or plagiarism, will subject a person to University disciplinary action. Using or attempting to use materials, information, study aids, or commercial “research” services not authorized by the instructor of the course constitutes cheating. Representing the words, ideas, or concepts of another person without appropriate attribution is plagiarism. Whenever another person’s written work is utilized, whether it be a single phrase or longer, quotation marks must be used and sources cited. Paraphrasing another’s work, i.e., borrowing the ideas or concepts and putting them into one’s “own” words, must also be acknowledged. Although a person’s state of mind and intention will be considered in determining the University response to an act of academic dishonesty, this in no way lessens the responsibility of the student.

(Section A.2 from:, Student Conduct, General Standards of Conduct)

Each student is responsible for knowing and abiding by UCSB’s policies on Academic Honesty. Any student violating these policies will earn an ‘F’ in the course and will be reported to the Academic Integrity Office. Committing acts that violate Student Conduct policies that result in course disruption are cause for suspension or dismissal from UCSB. The Office of Judicial Affairs has policies, tips, and resources for proper citation use, recognizing actions considered to be cheating or other forms of academic theft, and students’ responsibilities, available on their website at:

Rather than copying someone else’s work, ask for help. You are not alone in this course! The course staff is here to help you succeed. We expect that you will work with integrity and with respect for other members of the class, just as the course staff will work with integrity and with respect for you.

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Last major revision: April 4, 2019