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Before we can even begin to talk about how to compute something, we need to know how to represent data.

The basic idea of data types

Since CS16 is NOT your first programming course—if it is, you are in the WRONG class—I am assuming you already understand that programming languages have various data types for things like:

type examples
integers 3, -42, 0
real numbers (i.e. numbers with a decimal point that may or may not be integers) 3.14159, -2.5, 4.0
strings “UCSB”, “deadmau5”, “4+4”
groups of things (arrays, lists, structures, tuples, objects) { "UCSB", "UCLA", "UCSD" }, { "Chris Gaucho", 1234567, 3.57 }

If you are saying, well, of course—I remember that idea from the last programming class I took&mash;then: good. We can build on that knowledge, even if its a bit fuzzy, to explain data types in C++. If, on this other hand, this idea is brand new to you, then you don’t really have the background to be in CS16, and you should consider starting in CS8, or doing some review on your own.

Basic C++ data types

Most introductory C++ textbook takes a LONG time to introduce enough data types for the programs we can write to actually get interesting. Way too long. In particular, our textbook (Savitch 9th Edition) introduces the following common C++ data types in the chapters shown below. As you can see, it takes a long time to get to arrays and structs. We want to get to them much sooner, so we are going to skip ahead with at least a basic introduction to arrays and structs.

The data types in this table are ones you absolutely SHOULD know, and even memorize, since they are needed all the time when writing code in C++.

type of data C++ keyword (or syntax) examples textbook section
integers int 3, -42, 0 briefly in 1.3; longer discussion in 2.3
real numbers double 3.14159, -2.5, 4.0 briefly in 2.1; longer discussion in 2.3
strings string or char * “UCSB”, “deadmau5”, “4+4”, “32” quoted strings in 1.3;
C++ string class, briefly in 2.3
C-strings: 8.1;
C++ string class in detail: 8.2
single characters char ‘a’, ‘5’, ‘+’ intro 2.3
boolean (true/false) bool true, false intro 2.3, more in 2.4, converting to int, 3.1

You should also know about two additional data types:

  • arrays, i.e. groups of values of like type. These are discussed in Chapter 7.
  • structs, groups of values of differing types. These are discussed in Section 10.1


Arrays (Chapter 7) are different from Python lists in that every element on an array in C++ must be of exactly the same type.


int nums[5]={10,20,30,40,50};
string names[5]={"UCLA","UCSD","UCSB","UCI","Cal Poly"}


Structs allow for elements of different types. A struct definition defines a new type; you can then declare variables or arrays of that type. Note that a struct definition must end in a semicolon (;) and this is one of the few times you need a semicolon after a closing brace (i.e. };).

A struct definition d

struct Student {
   int perm;
   string name;

Student p = { 1234567, "Pat"};

Student freshmen[2] = { { 1234567, "Pat"}, { 2345678, "Chris"} };

If CS16 instructors can provide a “fast-forward overview” of these types—perhaps long before students get to them in Chapters 7 or 10 of the textbook—it can enable students to write much more interesting programs.

Being restricted to doing nothing with arrays or structs until after Chapter 7, or Chapter 10, respectively means the coding examples are likely to be FAR less interesting that if we can fast-forward that a bit.

Less Commonly Used Types

In addition, a few important, but less commonly used types are introducted in the textbook. This is not necessarily a complete list—it is here just as a handy reference. We will cover these if and only if and when they are needed for some specific programming project in this course. It is good for you to be aware of them, but unless you are told otherwise, you don’t need to memorize these.


type of data C++ keyword (or syntax) examples textbook section
smaller and
 larger integers
short int,
long int
long long
-32768, 32767, 1024L section 2.3
C++11 integer types
 of specific sizes
int8_t, uint8_t,
int16_t, uint16_t,
int32_t, uint32_t,
int64_t, uint64_t
(used for integers that have to have a specific number of bits, e.g. for network protocol packet headers, data file formats, low level hardware communication, etc.) section 2.3 (new in Savitch 9th edition)
smaller and
larger real numbers
float and
long double
3.14159F, -4.0L section 2.3
enumerated types enum enum DayOfWeek = { SUN=0, MON=2, TUE=3, WED=4, THU=5, FRI=6, SAT=7 }; section 3.1
multi-dimensional arrays int a[2][2] int a[2][2] = { {10, 20}, {30, 40} }; section 7.1
vectors vector<int&> v; v.push_back(42); section 8.3

Note that “programmer-defined objects”, also known as “programmer-defined classes”, is a topic that is normally deferred to CS24. So it is likely that we will NOT be covering that topic in this course—that’s why I’ve left it out of the table.

Four basic scalar data types: int, double, char, bool

I haven’t seen the word scalar used very often in the context of C++ programming, but it is a commonly used term when discussing programing languages in general. It means values that hold a “single” value, as opposed to a “group” of values.

That is intis a scalar data type for integer is because if you declare:

int x;

then x can only hold one integer value at a time. (This is contradistinction to an array or struct which may hold multiple values).

The four scalar data types we will introduce right away are these:

  • int (for integers)
  • double (for real numbers with decimals)
  • char (for single 8-bit characters)
  • bool (for true or false values)

We’ll introduce others only as they either (a) are needed for a specific assignment or (b) come up in their normal place in the textbook.

Declaring variables

In C++ it is necessary to declare variables before they are used, and once a variable is declared to be a certain type, it may only be assigned values of that time.

Here’s an example of a short program that declares a variable of each of our four basic types:

    int main() {
      int w;
      double x;
      char y;
      bool z;
      return 0;

After variables are declared, they can be assigned:

    int main() {

      int w;
      w = 4;

      double x;
      x = 3.4;

      char y;
      y = '+';

      bool z;
      z = true;

      return 0;

Or, the declaration can be combined with an initial assignment. In C and C++, the value of an uninitiatized variable can be unpredictable, and you won’t necessarily get a warning or an error if you use an uninitiatized variable in a later computation. So it may be a good practice to give variables initial values unless you have a very good reason not to.

    int main() {

      int w = 4;
      double x = 3.4;
      char y = '+';
      bool z = true;

      return 0;

Scope of variables

Variables are known only in the “scope” in which they are declared.

  • For the most part, scope means the smallest set of curly braces (i.e. { } ) in which the variable is declared. That may be a function, e.g.:
    int squared(int x) 
      int resuilt = x * x;
      return result;
  • Or, it might be a set of braces that are a “block”, e.g. part of an if/else, for loop, while loop, or just a block used to isolate the scope of a variable. For example, the scope of disc is the enclosing curly braces of the if. It is not available outside that set of braces.
    double root1(int a, int b, int c)
       if (a != 0) 
          double disc = b*b - 4*a*c;
          return ((-b) + sqrt(disc))/(2.0 * a);
         cerr << "Error: a is 0" << endl;
  • One exception is the header of a for loop. The scope here, is the body of the for loop (which may or may not have braces around it. For example:
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
       cout << i << endl;
  • Another exception is formal parameters declared in the header of a function. The scope here, is the body of the function (which will always have braces around it. ) —For example:
    int squared(int x) 
      return x * x;

In this course, we will almost always declare variables in some local scope:

  • inside main()
  • inside another function, or as parameters to the function
  • in the header of a for loop.

(We’ll discuss the case of putting a variable declaration inside a struct as a separate issue later on.)

Global variables: almost never a good idea at this stage

Variables declared outside any function are called “global variables”.

  • Their scope is “global”, meaning that they can be referred to in any function that appears after the declaration in the C++ source file in which they are declared.
  • Although I don’t want to get into it in detail, I will mention for completness that they can also be referred to inside functions in other files if they are declared with an “extern” declaration.

Global variables are almost NEVER a good idea.

  • Using them indiscriminately can lead to software that is very difficult to understand and maintain as it grows.
  • For this reason, in introductory programming courses, their use is typically prohibited, or at least strongly discouraged.

This prohibition is not permanent or absolute:

  • As an example, the identifiers cin and cout are both, in fact, global variables in any C++ program that uses #include<iostream>.
  • So anyone that gets too dogmatic or fundamentalist about global variables in C++ clearly isn’t seeing the bigger picture.
  • You’ll eventually be exposed to the guidelines for proper use of global variables—i.e. the special cases where they can be justified, and the safeguards you need to put in place around them to prevent them from poisoning your code.
  • As you gain more experience in software development, these guidelines will become easier to understand.
  • For now, though, please trust the decades of experience and the general consensus, suspend any disbelief you may have, and AVOID global variables unless/until you are specifically instructed that they are ok to use.

int, double, char, bool: Differences between C vs. C++

In C, as in C++, it is necessary to declare variables before they are used, and once a variable is declared to be a certain type, it may only be assigned values of that time. (This behaviour of C++ is one that existed in C first, and C++ just did the same thing.)

As far as I know, there is no difference between C and C++ in terms of how int, double, and char are handled.

  • These were all in C before C++ branched off of C, so they operate pretty much the same.

The only thing I’d caution you to watch out for is the bool type. bool may be different between C and C++, depending on which C compiler you are using.

  • The bool data type was first introduced into C++, and only later made its way into C.
  • Before that, C used the int data type to represented boolean values, with 0 representing false, and anything that was NOT zero representing true.
  • When a boolean expression evaluates to true, it typically evaluates to the integer value 1.
  • Some versions of C compiles may have the bool type, while others don’t. It depends on the age of the compiler, and the choice of the compiler designers.

Basic Info about Arrays

In both C and C++, the basic arrays that are built into the language are a bit different from similar concepts you may have run into in other languages. Here are some differences:

  • If you already know Java:
    • Java Array objects have a .length property that can be used to determine how big the array is (a length which is fixed).
    • Java ArrayLists objects have a .size() member function that can be used to determine the size of the ArrayList. (a length that can grow)
    • BUT In C and C++, the programmer has to keep track of the length of the array, and the size of an array is fixed at the time the array is declared.
  • If you already know Python:
    • The length of a Python list can be computed with the len() function.
    • Python lists can grow from their initial size.
    • BUT In C and C++, the programmer has to keep track of the length of the array, and the size of the array is fixed at the time the array is declared.

Arrays of Integers

To declare an array of ints of size 5, we write:

       int a[5];

This declares the array, but does NOT initialize any of the values. The values in the array, a[0] through a[4] are uninitialilzed storage and may contain arbitary values.

We can initialize all of the values in an array of five integers to zero by writing:

       int a[5] = {0};

But this does not generalize in the way you might think. For example, the following codes does NOT initilaize all the values in an array of ints to the value 42. Instead, a[0] gets the value 42, while a[1] through a[4] get the value 0.

       int a[5] = {1};  

The rules is that if we want to initialize all elements of the array, we list them in curly braces separated by commas. For example, this code initializes primes to be an array of the first five prime numbers, with prime[0]=2, prime[1]=3, etc.

       int primes[5] = {2,3,5,7,11};  

If our array initializer is too short to initialize all of the values, in the case of an array of int, the extra value get the value 0. This code, therefore, will set prime[0] through prime[4] to 2,3,5,7,11, respectively, but prime[5] through prime[9] will all be 0.

       int primes[10] = {2,3,5,7,11};  

That’s why we can set an entire int array to zero, regardless of its size, with an array initializer of ={0}.

If an array initializer is too big, that’s a syntax error, and the program won’t compile.

If we have an array initializer, we can leave off the size of the array, and it will be determined automatically. The following code sets prime[0] through prime[7] to the first 8 prime numbers:

       int primes[] = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19};  

Looping through an array of integers

To loop through an array of integers, we have to know the size of that array. Unlike in Java, where we can write:

// This is Java, NOT C++
for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) {

or in Python where we can write:

   # This is Python, not C++
   for i in range(len(a)):

In standard C/C++ IS NO WAY to determine from the variable a what the size of a is. (If you encounter the the sizeof() operator, you may think you’ve found a way, but that actually doesn’t work.) The usual practice, therefore, is to keep track of the size of the array with another identifier, either a #define or a const int as we will now explain.

Using a #define to set the array size

A #define is a feature of C/C++ that allows you to define a symbol that is “search and replaced” in the program before the program is compiled. The correct terminology for what #define is “pre-processor directive”, because it is done in the first phase of compiling a C/C++ program.

Among the many traditional uses of #define in C/C++ code is to use it to define symbols in ALL_CAPITAL_LETTERS that stand for the sizes of arrays used in the program.

A #define typically appears near the beginning of the file, and traditionally in column 1, not indented. Unlike most lines of C/C++ code it does NOT end in a semicolon—if you put a semicolon, the semicolon is part of the definition of symbol (i.e. NUM_SCORES is replaced with 20; everywhere it appears instead of 20 which is typically NOT what you want.

    #define NUM_SCORES 20

After a #define is used to set up text that NUM_SCORES is replaced with 20, we can write this to define an array called scores and initialize it to hold 20 scores in values score[0] through score[19]. Initially, all of these are set to the value 0 by the ={0} part:

       int scores[NUM_SCORES] = {0};    

Then, later, we can use this loop to print out all of the scores, one per line.

       for (int i=0; i<NUM_SCORES; i++)
          cout << scores[i] << endl;

Using a const int to set the array size

Another way to set the array size is with a const int declaration. This is subtly different from using a #define. A full explanation of the subtle differences and the pros/cons of one vs. the other are a topic for another article—my purpose here is just to show you both, because you will encounter both in looking at code examples.

For now, if you have to choose between them, choose the const int, because as a beginner, the error messages you get if you make a mistake are likely to be less confusing.

A const int declaration looks just like declaring a variable of type int except it is preceeded with the word const, which is an abbreviation for “constant”. The difference between a const int and a regular int variable is that a const int must be given a value when it is created, and that value can never be changed once assigned.

Some programmers use capital letters for const int values, while others don’t. Either way, it is a matter of convention, not a requirement of the language.

    const int NUM_SCORES=20;

NUM_SCORES can now be used in the same way as the #define example above, to both indicate the size of the array, and as the value that keeps track of the array size.

Declaring the array:

       int scores[NUM_SCORES] = {0};    

Setting the limit of the loop for the array:

       for (int i=0; i<NUM_SCORES; i++)
          cout << scores[i] << endl;

This seems really annoying compared to Java/Python; is C/C++ stupid?

This limitation of the arrays that are built into the language may seem like a serious limitation of C/C++ as compared to languages such as Python and Java. And to be honest, this is an annoying limitation.


  • there are good reasons why C/C++ arrays are like this
  • this limitation doesn’t come without certain benefits
  • In C++ there are alternatives to arrays that behave more like the array objects you may be used to in Python and Java

This last point may be a particular annoyance: if there are alternatives that are more convenient for the programmer, why don’t we use THOSE in our CS16 programs?

There are several reasons.

  • Lots of C/C++ code you will encounter in the “wild” does things the “traditional” way.
    • This includes, for example, the source code of things like the lowest levels of the Linux, MacOS, and Windows operating systems, embedded computers, and device drivers for hardware components
    • Being able to read and understand that code is an important skill
    • The higher level alternatives really only work in C++ (though it is possible to build something in C that works in a similar fashion, this is typically not done).
  • Doing this this way emphasizes the way that data is actually organized “under the hood”
    • One of the reasons we teach C/C++ is that is it very “close to the machine”
    • There is far less “magic” happening–it is easier to see the relationship between the software and the hardware
    • This point is true not just of how arrays work in C/C++, but how many other things in C/C++ work.

This limitation isn’t forever:

  • All we can ask is that you make a small leap of faith and suspend any disbelief you have until you’ve given this a chance.
  • Eventually, you’ll be permitted to use this “higher levels of abstraction” in your programs
    • These include the array and vector template classes
    • Those can make C++ programming almost as convenient as Java or Python.
    • But there’s a lot you need to learn first.