Join the GitHub organization

By the due date (Fri 10 07 2022 at 14:00), please take all of the following steps:

  1. If you do not already have an account at please sign up for one on the “Free Plan”.

    If you already have an existing GitHub account, it is not necessary to make a new one. Sometimes students think they need a separate GitHub account for personal vs. school work. You probably really don’t need two accounts, and having multiple GitHub accounts introduces unnecessary complication.

  2. It is fine if your primary email on your GitHub account is a non-UCSB email, but in order to give you credit for your work on GitHub, we want to be able to link your work on GitHub to your UCSB email. If your primary email on your GitHub account is not your UCSB email, please add your UCSB email as an additional email address on your account.

    This can either be your or your address; either one is fine. We wrote special purpose code to be able to detect either one.

  3. Once your or is one of the emails on your GitHub account, please visit the following link:

    You’ll login to that site using your GitHub account; if the browser in which you are working is already logged in to GitHub, it will just work.

  4. Once you are logged in, on the home page, you should see a link that looks like this to join the ucsb-cs16-f22 course. Please click the “Join” button:


  5. After you click join, you should get a green message with a link to an invitation. (If you get an error message instead, skip to step 6.)

    It is crucial that you now follow that link and accept the invitation. Once you do, you get full credit (100%) for this homework assignment, and you are done!

    If you forget to accept the invitation, you may get contacted by the instructor or one of the TAs; in that case, to fix this

    1. First login to GitHub
    2. Visit where you should see the invitation. You can accept it there.
  6. If you get an error message, then one of three things are true:

    1. Perhaps you didn’t add your UCSB email to your GitHub account. Do that and try again.
    2. Perhaps you aren’t on the course roster that the instructor uploaded to the linker app. Contact the instructor to verify that you are on the roster.
    3. Something else went wrong; rarely, there may be problems if a student used the tool previously, but then changed their GitHub id. Again, contact the instructor.

Please complete these steps by the due date shown. There is a grace period so that you can ask for help during next week’s discussion section, but the goal is to have everyone complete these steps before next week’s discussion section (or at least, during the section.)